【以下は募集要項抜粋です。(香港エクスプレス採用サイトより)】 Flight Attendant Recruitment in Japan (Q2 2024) - Based in Hong Kong (New Joining Bonus - HK$15,000)
香港エクスプレス 客室乗務員募集
Job no:497457
Work type:Full time
Location:Japan,Hong Kong SAR
HK Express is Hong Kong’s first and
only low-cost carrier, always offering great value, affordable fares on one of
the youngest and most modern aircraft fleets in the world.
Like you, and just
like many people across Asia, we love to travel and discover new places across
the world’s most diverse and dynamic region; and at HK Express, we’re opening up
new travel experiences that inspire and invigorate millions of people across the
region we’re proud to call home. Everything we do is focused on encouraging the
spirit of adventure. Our routes provide the inspiration and spontaneity to try
somewhere new, disrupting monotonous modern life. As we continue to open up new
routes, often in secondary and emerging destinations, our passengers will gain
access to an incredible range of places, exploring hidden gems and experiencing
local cultures.
We have a diverse and vibrant team that embodies the
adventurous spirit of our customers, and loves to travel too. Join us in this
journey to make your career even more fulfilling and rewarding.
Role Purpose
To carry out inflight safety and security procedures;
conduct in-flight and beverage sales and duty free sales;
To work as a team
to deliver customer services activities to fulfill the passengers' needs and
The Ideal Candidate
Japanese National or Special Permanent Resident Certificate Holder
Minimum age of 18
graduate or above
Minimum arm-reach of 208cm on tiptoe
Physical fitness to
pass the pre-employment medical assessment
Fluent in speaking and reading English and Japanese. A third language is preferable;
Have obtained one of the following valid English
Proficiency qualifications:
- TOEIC score of 325 for both reading and
listening or above;
- TOEFL score 60 or above;
- IELTS 5.0 or above;
Previous experience in an
airline, hospitality or service industry would be advantageous
Vaccination Certificate proof
No criminal record, meeting the relevant
requirements of aircrew background checks
Your Future Work Life
Fly anywhere we fly for free with your friends and family to explore the world
Energetic and multicultural teammates from up to 50 nationalities!
Company-organized shuttle buses connecting the workplace with major locations in the HK Island, Kowloon and N.T.
No.3275 | 《募集》香港エクスプレス客室乗務員
No.3262 | 《募集》エミレーツ客室乗務員(応募先:エアリッジ)
エミレーツ航空 客室乗務員 募集
[学歴] 高卒以上
[年齢] 21歳以上
[身長] アームリーチ(爪先立ちで片手を伸ばした状態)で、最低212cmまで届くこと
[健康] 航空機乗務に際し、健康状態が良好であること
[視力] 視力が良好であること(コンタクトレンズ可/矯正視力1.0以上、眼鏡不可)
[語学] 英語が堪能であること。
[経験] 接客業務経験があれば尚可
前向き思考で、チームワークを守りながらすばらしいサービスを提供できる能力を持った方 そして、様々な文化背景を持った人々に対応出来る方
Application Form PDFまたは Application Form Word
※例: EK Application Form.docx ⇒ Yumi Amano
・面接日程 イニシャル・スクリーニング
東京 2024年6月15日(土)
※ご質問がある場合はメールで、recruit@airlige.com までお送りください。尚、質問の内容によって返信しかねる場合がございます。