No.3202 | 《2次選考結果》エバー航空客室乗務員
No.3191 | 《募集》エミレーツ客室乗務員(応募先:エアリッジ)
エミレーツ航空 客室乗務員 募集
[学歴] 高卒以上
[年齢] 21歳以上
[身長] アームリーチ(爪先立ちで片手を伸ばした状態)で、最低212cmまで届くこと
[健康] 航空機乗務に際し、健康状態が良好であること
[視力] 視力が良好であること(コンタクトレンズ可/矯正視力1.0以上、眼鏡不可)
[語学] 英語が堪能であること。
[経験] 接客業務経験があれば尚可
前向き思考で、チームワークを守りながらすばらしいサービスを提供できる能力を持った方 そして、様々な文化背景を持った人々に対応出来る方
Application Form PDFまたは Application Form Word
※例: EK Application Form.docx ⇒ Yumi Amano
・面接日程 イニシャル・スクリーニング
東京 2024年4月20日(土)
※ご質問がある場合はメールで、 までお送りください。尚、質問の内容によって返信しかねる場合がございます。
No.3176 | 《募集》スクート客室乗務員
scoot 客室乗務員(Cabin Crew)募集
【以下は募集要項抜粋です。(scoot 採用サイトより)】
Cabin Crew- Based in
(Recruitment in Tokyo, May 2024)
Why be a Scootee?
Let your career take off internationally with Scoot's Cabin Crew family. Based in sunny and cosmopolitan Singapore, you'll get to work and travel around the world (at the same time!), with some of the most passionate folks in aviation as your teammates.
To top it all off, you'll enjoy unlimited discounted staff travel perks, so you can always experience new cultural exchanges and see all that the world has to offer!
Job Description
Escape The Ordinary with Us!
Our Scootees work hard and play hard too! Fun is definitely permitted on board! It’s no secret that our cabin crew are some of the most fun-loving and well-travelled people around.
Why be a Scootee?
We offer you a wanderlust career where you’ll get to work and travel around the world (at the same time)!. You’ll also get to meet people from all walks of life in your line of duty, as well as experience new cultural exchanges anywhere you fly!
As if that’s not awesome enough, there is unlimited discounted staff travel perks to sweeten the deal for those looking to check off their travel bucket list!
Your responsibilities as a Scootee
Your primary duty is to ensure the safety of all passengers on board Scoot's aircrafts. You are also responsible for the care and comfort of all passengers on board and to provide customer service as per standards required and to maintain up-to-date knowledge on all areas of duty and be able to coordinate and work together as a team
Sounds good? Be a Scootee if you have what it takes to fly with us
You are 18 years old and above
You meet our min. height requirement (Due to safety & security measures: Male: 1.65m & above; Female 1.58m & above
Min qualification of Junior College (TANDAI) holders or Degree Holders from a recognized University TOEIC Score ≥ 600
You are willing to relocate to Singapore
Able to work on a rostered schedule including weekends and public holidays
Willingness and commitment to serve a compulsory service bond
Due to the nature of the role and with consideration of the different borders’ restrictions, it is mandatory for Cabin Crews to be fully vaccinated. Please note that you have to have at least 2 doses taken at the point of your interview.
Due to our Grooming policy, please note that this position requires a professional appearance at all times and candidates with visible tattoos are not permitted.
Hurry Apply with Us Now!
Our recruiters will be in touch with shortlisted candidates to prepare you for an Assessment Centre soon!
Successful candidates must be able to commence employment with us within three months from the date of application.